How do you organize yourself with the minutes?

And you, what do you do with the acts?

A Coopdevs are developing free software to take minutes and draw up agendas collaboratively, manage acquired commitments, guarantee accessibility b> in minutes...

As part of the initial steps, we are collecting information about how you take minutes in various organizations.  For this, we have prepared a survey of 20 quick questions to answer.

Can you give us a hand? You can complete the survey as many times as there are organizations you participate in, providing your opinion/experience in organizing meetings and recording proceedings.

Protection of personal data

The survey is completely anonymous. We will use the data entered to analyze the habits in the process of taking minutes to design a tool that allows these processes to be streamlined and improved. For more information about the treatment and your rights, see the privacy policy.

All answers will be useful for us to build a better tool!

What is the organization you are doing the survey for?

What kind of organization are you? *

How many members does it have? *

Participation in assemblies

Does it have members with functional diversity?

Do you take part in assemblies where you need to write down minutes? *

Do you collaborate in defining the contents, writing the minutes and/or making decisions? *


Do you have a rotating process for the roles in the meetings (minutes, dynamization, speakers...)? *

Who takes the minutes in your organization? *

Among the people who usually take minutes, which gender is the majority? *

Among the people who usually manage the events, what is the age of majority? *

How many people do you divide the tasks related to taking minutes between? *


What kind of software do you use? *

What tool(s) do you use to prepare meetings and take minutes? *

Where do you usually connect to prepare meetings and take minutes? *

How did you prepare the order of the day? *

How do you search for points already covered? *

How can the documentation attached to the items on the agenda be consulted? *

Si hi ha punts que contenen informació addicional, hi ha alguna manera de poder consultar-la abans de l'assemblea?

How do you take the minutes? *

How do you structure the minutes? *

What information do you collect in your minutes? *

Can items be added to the agenda between meetings? *

How can you check the agenda for the next meeting? *

Where can the minutes be consulted? *

What would you like?

On a scale of 1 to 4, where 4 is very important and 1 is not important, tell me how important each feature of a minutes management software is to you. *

1 - Very minor2 - Not essential3 - Significant4 - Very Important
Automatic creation of the agenda
Automatic sending of the notice of the meeting
Topic, point and task finder
Collaborative minute-taking (between several people, in real time)
Postponement of topics for the next meeting
Information on meeting time consumed (by point) and available (by schedule)
Presentation of documents
Audio-video conference
Registration of the participation of each assistant
List of commitments acquired, pending and postponed
Evaluation of the usefulness of each assembly, with a satisfaction scale (0 to 10, for example), by each of the attendees
Generator of activity reports per minutes (pdf): attendance, participation, agreements and assessment of the assembly
Annual report generator (pdf)
Integration with the organization's contacts and calendar tool
Transcript of the meeting and identification of participation (people and time) by artificial intelligence

What are the next steps?

Do you want to be part of the tool prototype evaluation team? *

What is the name of the organization where you participate in the preparation of minutes

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